Dameware mini remote control service
Dameware mini remote control service

dameware mini remote control service

POLICY "Permission Dialog Set Focus on Decline" VALUENAME "Allow All Administrators To Have Control" POLICY "Allow All Administrators To Have Control" VALUENAME "Logon At Logon Desktop Only Timeout Value" VALUENAME "Logon At Logon Desktop Only Timeout" PART "Disconnect if timed out or console user logs on" CHECKBOX POLICY "Only allow connection when at Logon Desktop" VALUENAME "On Disconnect Lock Workstation" POLICY "On Disconnect Lock Workstation (2000/XP)" PART "Force Application shutdown" CHECKBOX NAME "Only when connected" VALUE NUMERIC 2 PART "Show Tray Icon" DROPDOWNLIST NOSORT VALUENAME "Enable Reporting For This Host" VALUENAME "Permission Required for non Admin Force View Only" POLICY "View Only for these account types" VALUENAME "Permission Required for non Admin Disconnect If At Logon Desktop" POLICY "Disconnect if at the Logon Desktop" VALUENAME "Permission Required for non Admin" POLICY "Permission required for these account types" POLICY "Must be member of one of the following group(s)"ĮXPLAIN "Examples: GroupName or DomainName\GroupName" VALUENAME "Requires Logon Locally Privilege" POLICY "Require 'Log on locally' privilege"

dameware mini remote control service

VALUENAME "Allow Only Administrators To Connect" POLICY "Allow only Administrators to connect" PART "Absolute Timeout (Zero (0) indicates no timeout):" NUMERIC VALUENAME "Must Have Logon Locally Rights with Windows Logon" PART "Must have 'Logon Locally Rights' (Requires 'Allow Encrypted Windows Logon')." CHECKBOX PART "Authentication Types" DROPDOWNLIST NOSORT REQUIRED PART "Force General Data Encryption" CHECKBOXĮXPLAIN "This value is additive.\n\nAllow Windows NT Challenge/Response = 2\nAllow Encrypted Windows Logon = 4\nAllow Smart Card Logon = 8\nAllow Invitation Logon = 16" KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\DameWare Development\Mini Remote Control Service\Settings" This was written by DameWare, so all I'm doing is passing along knowledge.ĬATEGORY "DameWare Mini Remote Control Service" My company has found a need to restrict file transfer for some of our computers, and this ADM helps to create a group policy to manage that setting (among others). I have worked with DameWare since version 4, and so far it has been a fantastic and valuable support tool.

Dameware mini remote control service